Persons Who May Consent to Medical Treatment (Louisiana)

Senate Bill 302 (2014 Louisiana Regular Session) amends the Louisiana Medical Consent Statute by adding adult friend and attending physician to the list of persons.  An adult friend is defined by law as "an adult who has exhibited special care and concern for the patient, who is generally familiar with the patient's health care views and desires and who is willing and able to become involved in the patient's health care decisions and to act in the patient's best interest."  The Adult Friend must sign and date and acknowledgement form provided by the hospital or other health care facility in which the patient is located for placement in the patient's records certifying that he or she meets such criteria.

The attending physician may consent if persons 1-10 on the list are not available.  He/she may consent to provide or perform and surgical or medical treatment and make decisions regarding continued services needed by the patient.  Prior to consent the attending physician must document in the patient's chart what medical decision need to be made and why those decisions are needed without undue delay.  There must also be documentation of the steps taken to obtain consent from the patient or another person authorized by law to give consent and obtain confirmation from another physician, preferably the patient's primary care physician if he/she is not the attending physician.  The confirming physician will need to personally examine the patient.

Persons Who May Consent to Surgical or Medical Treatment